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I am grateful for the teachers that I have had, who taught me that there was more to life than simply being sad; there is a world to explore around us, where we could entrench ourselves while we are enduring the visceral emotion that is sadness. Observing the behavior of those around us to evolve a greater understanding of our inner world and the way it shows in our own actions. We all share a similar physiology, despite the disparity in immune systems, and the varying strengths of organs and/or muscles—our shared biology makes us a diverse bunch yet of the same soul.

To understand is to rewire; to actively analyze the systems we put in place to continue functioning both physiologically and socially. Once we are able to wrap unconnected wires to one another, soldering them into place—it is only the start of a process forward, toward growth and change (which will not always be perceived as positive initially). To understand is not in itself proactive, it is our own actions that will prove whether or not we sincerely understand our own inner workings.

Initially, I do not always understand the lessons of which I am experiencing, but it becomes a new memory that I can later reach for and put into my ideological framework. The world did not make much sense to me for most of my life (it still does not in a multitude of aspects) and I thought I could piece together the nonsense with reading and virtual penpals. It was not enough, for once I started experiencing the game that is the real world of animated flesh pieces, I realized that a crucial element to my understanding was missing: hands-on experience. Critical thought and woven writing skills are not enough to hold together a tangible personality that is able to prosper in (nearly) any setting.

Our demeanor tells a story that can delve into the past, and our words can be a riddle begging for cracking—the way we carry our head is an instruction guide to disrespectfully interpreting our confidence. The human mind is capable of creating many assumptions, seldom fully formidable within reality; it does not always stop people from giving into their conscience’s every whim that needs to be thought through before acting upon. It is not fun to analyze ourselves (generally), that causes us to put our minds into the hands of others to play with like putty to then tell us how it really is. It requires an immense amount of trust that is not frequently built when allowing the stream in our mind to branch off into someone else.

Every human being is our teacher, but not every human being is a soul healer. Some mistake the latter for the former as well, and that causes a weakness within the ears that disables functional listening skills. It is easy to overlook others we believe to be less than in certain regards instead of taking them in as they are and more than the differences between one another.

—No, we are not all equal, but all of us have an equal level of humanity. We all deserve respect, and to take that away from another person is an exhibition of power that you must be certain of your confidence in harvesting.

All my teachers taught me, albeit long after the lesson, that they are part of me. I was shown the world and now I am taking it as my own to give back to all those who have endured society in confusion alongside me. We cannot grow alone.



