• a problem that has yet to be named

    I adored the sounds of the crickets at night in Kokomo, though I loathed the sounds of cicadas in Delmar and how they would find their way into my bedroom in the mornings. I hated the smell and feel of car exhaust when I grew up in Pittsburg which I am reminded of since I…

  • I see you!!!!6.26.23

    I should have known you were a demon. Your demeanor was too good to be true, you were concealing your thoughts and indecency—I am as naive as could be, chronically gaslighting myself into believing I am above such nonsense. You abused my trust and love, the latter of which you must have been oblivious of.…

  • extra extra! read all about it!5.18.23

    I had to be demeaned excruciatingly on repeat to realize that I am worthy of all those impossibly interesting crevices of society that I previously thought denied me. Success does not start dependent on where our umbilical cord attached, even though it plays an immense role in terms of genetics and upbringings, it is not…

  • Ginger Nightfall

    This is a series of eight writings I composed while in an emotionally abusive relationship that progressed far too quickly—it began with a promise of career training and love-bombing, that initially gave me hope for a future that gave me the will to stay despite all of the nonsense he would spew. I knew at…

  • three, six

    This month I moved to San Antonio, Texas. The third San I’ve lived in the past year. The sixth state in six years… and for six months I have had increasing psychosis. Sān is three in Mandarin and considered a lucky number alongside six—quite comical considering a triple six in Western culture is considered Satanic…

  • perception01

    Some junkie-adjacent people might consider it a privilege (I did at one point) to be offered hard drugs, weed, cigarettes, & alcoholic drinks so freely—but, it absolutely is not. It is a tool to make one more complacent, a means of control over one’s bodily autonomy to get them physically & psychologically addicted (could you…

  • gratitude8.21.23

    I am grateful for the teachers that I have had, who taught me that there was more to life than simply being sad; there is a world to explore around us, where we could entrench ourselves while we are enduring the visceral emotion that is sadness. Observing the behavior of those around us to evolve…

  • Surrendered My Knife at SFO

    I smoked my last dark green American Spirit that I bought in Vegas before laying my head to sleep this morning. This mania has me caged into a Hell of my own creation, with a feeling of obligation toward writing a poem before drifting away to my dreamscape—none of which, are even worth mentioning. Even…

  • 10.4.23

    I hang up my clothes in a color-coordinated manner—in the order of the rainbow, my red beside the orange, orange beside the yellow, and so on. My blacks and grays consume much of the space, my average day consists of mourning humanity as I walk to the bus, to see a new face, seeking their…